SHE Section Manager
康宁(上海)管理有限公司 广东广州 2天前刷新
学历要求本科 工作经验5年 现居住地不限


  • 求职中如遇招聘方扣押证件、要求提供担保或收取财物(如抵押金、培训费等)、强迫入股或集资、收取不正当利益或其他违法情形,请立即举报,并保留证据,维护自身合法权益。
  • 如遇职位要求赴海外工作,请提高警惕,谨防诈骗。


Day to Day Responsibilities:
Plan, organize, and control the safety functions of the plant to ensure that an effective accident prevention program is maintained and that appropriate measures are taken to comply with corporate and local government related safety/environmental policies and directives.
Identify and evaluate hazardous conditions and practices and develop hazard control practices and programs.
Work closely with project team and related departments ensuring safety/environmental compliance of projects and requirement.
Manage the medical department.
Provide guidance on required training to all affected personnel and monitor compliance in the conduction of the training.
Assist in communicating hazard control information and evaluate effectiveness of the control.
Assist line and staff management in understanding corporate policies and local laws, regulations and standards.
Investigate compliance issues in conjunction with line and staff personnel. Notify top management of pertinent details.
Guide and assist plant personnel with critical environmental, safety and health issues.
Review plant incident statistics and make recommendations for correction of problem areas.
Plan and direct safety/environmental service companies and insurance carriers to obtain optimum results.
Work with plant all departments to develop annual safety goals and objectives.
Assess new developments in the environmental, health, and safety field which may have application to the company's operations.
Establish target areas, long range prevention, and cost control objectives.
Keep informed on current developments of safety/environmental laws likely to affect the company.
Communicate with corporate environmental, safety, and health departments regarding program results and any issues that may arise.
Assist cost control efforts and participate with manufacturing improvement committees.
Conduct periodic inspections of plant machinery, equipment, and working conditions to ensure conformance to appropriate safety standards and regulations.
Adhere to good safety practices, general company rules, regulations, and policies.
Education & Experience
At least 5 years work experience in SHE
Familiar with SHE legislation and local regulation requirement.
Familiar with SHE assessment /JSA
Familiar with ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001.
Experience working in multi-cultural environments.
Required Skills
Good coordination.
Good communication in English.
Strong analytical and decision making skills.
5957 2118-|171 5113 3645 14Strong interpersonal skills and communication skill.
