Debug Engineer 调试工程师 6-8K
伟创力科技(中国)公司 伟创力(珠海)工业园 广东珠海 2天前刷新
学历要求本科 工作经验不限 现居住地不限


  • 求职中如遇招聘方扣押证件、要求提供担保或收取财物(如抵押金、培训费等)、强迫入股或集资、收取不正当利益或其他违法情形,请立即举报,并保留证据,维护自身合法权益。
  • 如遇职位要求赴海外工作,请提高警惕,谨防诈骗。


The Debug Engineer 调试工程师 will be based in Zhuhai. Provide technical support in performing RF system testing, handling RF test instruments, mentoring RF hardware architecture and troubleshooting RF related product.
We are looking for someone who demonstrates:
• Intense collaboration
• Passionate customer focus
• Thoughtful, fast, disciplined execution
• Tenacious commitment to continuous improvement
• Relentless drive to win
Here is a glimpse of what you’ll do:
• Provide technical support in performing RF system testing, handling RF test instruments.
• 在执行RF系统测试,处理RF测试仪器方面提供技术支持。
• Specialize in design and use of device which produce and rely on radio band signals.
• 专门设计和使用会产生并依赖无线电频段信号的设备。
• Troubleshoot and debugging RF product.
• 对射频产品进行故障排除和调试
• Support customer in RF design team involved RF hardware design and development
• 支持RF设计团队的客户参与RF硬件设计和开发
• Mentor of RF architecture and conduct training to bring up team's RF skills
• 指导RF体系结构并进行培训以培养团队的RF技能
• Develop and enhance test procedures to carry out RF related testing, work on test strategies improvement and monitoring and analyzing test data to optimize test performance
• 制定和增强测试程序以执行与射频相关的测试,改进测试策略并监控和分析测试数据以优化测试性能
Here is some of what you’ll need (required):
• College degree in Electronics/Telecommunication/IT Programming;
• 电子/电信/ IT专业,大专学历
• Typically requires 3 years of related experience.
• 3年的相关经验
• Demonstrates advanced functional and technical skills and basic process skills. Demonstrates advanced/thorough knowledge of the function and Flex business. Typically requires skill and troubleshooting, and diagnostics, and overview of the entire test process and the ability to train others.
• 展示先进的功能和技术技能以及基本过程技能。展示有关功能和Flex业务的高级/全面知识。通常需要技能和故障排除,诊断以及整个测试过程的概述以及培训其他人的能力。
Here are a few of our preferred experiences:
• Working experience with ICT/AOI/Functional test equipment’s is an advantage;
• 具有ICT / AOI /功能测试设备的工作经验
• Programming language knowledge - basic level; capacity to develop or modify simple programs;
• 编程语言知识-基础水平;开发或修改简单程序的能力
• Good English - both written and verbal.
• 良好的英语-书面和口语
Here are a few examples of what you’ll get for the great work you provide:
• Social Insurance
• Life Insurance
3145 6572-0|171 3893 9060 34• PTO
