产品副经理 12-15K
东莞美时家具有限公司 广东东莞 2天前刷新
学历要求本科 工作经验5年 现居住地不限


  • 求职中如遇招聘方扣押证件、要求提供担保或收取财物(如抵押金、培训费等)、强迫入股或集资、收取不正当利益或其他违法情形,请立即举报,并保留证据,维护自身合法权益。
  • 如遇职位要求赴海外工作,请提高警惕,谨防诈骗。


• Conducting competitive product and price analysis to determine product line strengths and weaknesses, opportunities, and threats for use in formulation of 3-year product plans, pricing strategies, and to provide support information to sales training department for use in competitive product training.
• Development of 3-year product & financial strategies and action plans based on market share & trends research, and response to product line strengths & weaknesses, opportunities and threats according to competitive product and price research.
• Working with marketing, sales, and customers to determine & define new product opportunities and enhancements to existing offerings based on market trends & analysis and verification of customer needs.
• Preparing financial plan on all new product development & enhancement projects to determine and receive approval of financial viability before proceeding with product development.
• Managing new product development and existing product enhancement projects in cooperation with product engineering, marketing & branding departments according to new product development process procedures. Making sure the product management and developments aligned to the PDM
• Defining and communicating scope & pricing of new or enhanced product model offerings & finishes to product engineering, manufacturing and marketing through the completion of SOL (Statement of Line).
• Analyzing existing product offerings to identify products that do not meet sales and profit requirements and develop & execute action plans to meet requirements through a combination of cost reduction, price adjustments, design improvements, or product de-emphasis and discontinuation.
• Determining price increases for product models based on raw material cost increases, competitive price analysis, and profit margin requirements.
• Working with marketing & branding departments in supporting development of price guides, print collateral, advertising, public relations, and interactive sales tools, by providing pricing, product specifications, feature & benefit, and market/product positioning information.
3162 6763-4|171 3471 4717 47• Developing and giving product presentations in support of information requirements for sales meetings, new product launch events, dealer sales trainings, customer visits, and project tollgate approvals to management and headquarters.

广东东莞塘厦镇莲湖第一工业区环巿东路 191 号