本公司主要从事精密零件的加工,产品种类跨越磁碟机 半导体零件、通讯零件、汽车零件、光学元件及阀门等,客户主要分布于美国、德国及日本等国家;集团拥有先进的生产(multi-spindle CNC lahe, high speed honing work station milling machine)及量测设备。
本公司通过ISO9002(是制造和安装的质量保证模式/ISO9001管理模式,本公司在管理上者是按9001的要求去做的)和QS9000(ISO9001+三大车厂的特定要求1.通用汽车2.福特汽车3.克莱斯勒)认证,SPC质量论证系统,6Sigma(6个标准差)已在本公司全面推广并运用。2004年通过TS16949认证 及ISO13495。本公司在台已上市,需要大批人才的加入。
We Global group, with over 30 years of experience of co-design partnership, producing high precision machining components, our major customers are well known in the world. There are over 3,000 CNC machines and 6,000people working in our group(Taiwan, South China, East China ,Thailand and Germany) and we’re desired for someone who is young potential and aggressive working could join this big family, hope we have honor to work with you in the futu