
IE工程师 8-15K No.3778133

1 主要工作职责 (Major job responsibilities involving):
1.1 建立公司所有生产岗位的标准作业工时,包括作业员及机器工时, 定期检讨更新以确保IFS系统工时的准确性;/Establish standard Job Time for all production processes in the company, including labor time and machine time, regularly review and update, to make sure IFS job times are accurate;
1.2 对公司所有生产线的效率进行统计评估,改善线平衡,提升生产效率。/Evaluate and analyze the efficiency for all production lines in the company, improve the line balance, productivity;
1.3 评估和管理各产品产能,规划和优化设备产能及利用率,提出产能分析及投资需求。/Evaluate and manage capacity for all products, plan and optimize equipment capacity and utilization, analyze capacity and investment requirement for future;
1.4 对现有流程,工艺及设备进行先进性评估,提出改进方案及自动化建议。/Evaluate the advancement of current process, working flow, equipment, propose improvement plan and automation solution;
1.5 推动精益生产,减少各种浪费,通过实际操作改进提升公司运作效率。DriveLeanManufacturing, reduce wastage from every angle, improve operational efficiency through practical improvements;
1.6负责新产品导入的流程规划,产线布置,工艺改进,产能分析及建议。/Responsible for process flow on all NPI projects, production layout, process improvements, capacity analysis and proposal;
1.7对生产工艺进行人机工程分析,改善制程操作的舒适性和安全性。/Conduct ergonomic analysis for all processes, improve the process comfort and safety
1.8完成上级领导临时指派的其它各项工作/Any none listed assignment from supervisors.
2任职资格 (Qualifications required for the job)
2.1 本科及以上学历,IE或机械工程相关专业;/Bachelor or above education, major in IE or Mechanical Engineering;
2.2 八年以上相关工作经验,外资企业经验优先;/8 years or above working experience, MNC experience preferred;
2.3 熟知IE工作手法及工具,具备IE流程推广经验;/Familiar with all IE methods and tools, rich experience on IE process implementation;
2.5 良好的沟通技巧、团队协作精神;/Good communication skills, team work spirit;
2.4 有较强的执行力;/Responsible person with good execution;
2.5 熟练使用办公软件,AutoCAD;/Familiar on office tools, AutoCAD;
5992 6978-|171 3432 1524 762.6 良好的英文沟通,读写说熟练。Good English communication, good on reading, writing and listening